Monthly Mini Sprint Art Challenges


Build your toolkit with monthly art challenges

Each month in the Podcast Art Club we run a Challenge. A few times a year that’s the #20for20ArtChallenge and other times it’s a Mini Sprint Challenge.

What is a Mini Sprint Challenge?

Spend 7 days really focusing on ONE skill. Then take that skill and fold it back into your larger art practice.

Past Mini Sprints include learning to use contour and designing with value.

Upcoming Mini Sprint Challenge:

The Drawing Grid Challenge: Aug. 1-7

You have a reference you can’t wait to paint. You might even have a value or color plan ready to go. You have your paints. You’ve made time. Fantastic!

But how do you get the actual image onto your surface so that you CAN paint it?

Enter: The Drawing Grid

The Drawing Grid is a great way to translate complex information from a reference onto your surface. Artists have been using the grid for centuries and it’s as useful in these modern times as it was in the Renaissance. It’s easy to set up and with a little practice, an absolutely great tool to have in your kit when accuracy matters or when you’re unfamiliar with a new subject for drawing. Plus it’s great for all skill levels.

Join the Podcast Art Club and join us in the the Drawing Grid Challenge, August 1-7.

Past Mini Sprint Challenges:

The Painting Keys Challenge

Guests on the show are always talking about mood. But how, in practical terms, do you create mood?

Welcome to painting keys.

A painting key is a strategy for the value and color in your painting. And no matter your skill level, it’s a great way to try on different moods and practice mixing paint.

Participants get reference photos and a private Facebook group to share their work. Sign up for the Podcast Art Club to participate. The new Challenge instructions go live Monday, June 26th with us starting July 1st.